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My interest in anime started with my cousin Brendon who liked watching Digimon, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh.I used to visit him a lot as a child, since we were close in age and we used to watch these shows together. I started watching it on my own when one day by his house Naruto was playing and we watched it together. I loved the fight scenes, the suspense, and the themes about friendship and striving to be the best. I went home and immediately started searching Youtube and differnt anime websites for more, I then found Bleach and ever since then I've been keeping up with the anime releases. As for my interest in dolls it started with my mother, I one day asked her why she started a doll collection for me and she told me about her childhood in Haiti and how he didn't have much toys and that she wanted me to have what she didn't. I didn't understand her sentiments at the time about the dolls but as an adult with a child of my own I can understand the love behind it and appreciate her for it. I since kept all my dolls in good condition and have intentions of growing my collection.
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